I just want to share my process for writing letters of recommendation.
I try to do my best to scribble down events or things students say in the classroom. I will also try to sit down and type up notes on students after class in a google document. I take notes in a google doc so they are all in the same place and to ensure I will not lose them. I have had the computer I use at school break on several occasions and the IT guys fix for that is to wipe the computer by re-installing the operating system. I think I need to try and make sure I do this more often. I also need a more organized system because I found notes on students on tons of different papers and scribbled everywhere. So I need a more organized system.
When my students give their long presentation at the end of the year I keep a copy of my comments and feedback on the presentation. This is a major source for ideas about what to talk about.
This year I had students write an essay comparing separable differential equations and non-separable differential equations. I made sure to save this writing sample to help me write letters of recommendation. Next year I think I will have to make a copy of each students journal entry so that I have some evidence of their writing and ability to explain math concepts in English.
I will also have to write down more comments when I grade notebooks. I am considering whether I should type comments in my google doc about the students note taking skills or I should give more written feedback on the actual rubric. I give some written feedback in their actual notes to show them exactly where and what to improve. I just don't want to transfer that to the rubric. I also may be able to easily making comments about their note taking skills this time next year because I will be grading their notes way more often next year.
Since I make sure to take notes on students participation, have detailed comments from assignments, and spend a lot of time getting to know my students I am able to include very detailed examples of how they act as students. I was told by someone who used to work as a college counselor that is what made my letters great. So I need to work on gathering more assignments and observations to include in my letters. I think that might help make some of these medium tough letters to write even easier to write.
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