About Me

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I love to teach and I love math. Teaching has always been a passion since I was in 5th grade. I gained a love of math later in eighth grade. I have been told that I always have a smile on my face and a song in my heart which is the best description of me.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Campus Photos

So I thought you guys would like to see more of the campus. So here are some photos from around the campus.

Here is the view of the school when you walk in the front gate. They are some great panorama photos.

The brick building on the far left is the buiding I teach in and where the AP center is.

The building in the middle with the halo ring is the information building. It has the library, auditorium, and the music classes are held there. Glee club meets on the 6th floor in the choir room. The IT department is also located in this building. I am told it is mostly empty though. I have not really explored though. I want to see the library though. I am told it is pretty empty and does not have many research books. None of the students use it anyways.

The brick buildings at the right are more classroom buildings I believe.

That white building on the far right I believe is ours and empty. The principal says they are going to tear it down and that will be our new building. Right now the TAG middle school kids are on the first and second floor of our building. We have classes and offices on the third and fourth floor of our building. So we have been promised our own building to ourselves.

This golden apple is a statue that you couldn't see in the panorama. I think the golden apple is supposed to represent wisdom and the color gold is supposed to be one of the best. You can see the fountain behind the golden apple. Then I included a close up of the fountain. It is only turned on one day of the year and that is open house day. I didn't get a picture of it because I was busy prepping for the big open house day lesson. 
I will try to get a picture of it next year. 

This is another statue on campus. It is located near the building I teach in. This is called a ding and many were made in Ancient China. The Chinese staff were surprised that I knew the name of the statue. However I studied these and other types of common artifacts from Ancient China in the art history class I took that focused on the art of China. When I saw it I fell in love with it and was like oh look it is a ding. I got strange looks I think. I had to wait to take pictures of it though. The bamboo was growing everywhere and at the beginning of school they were on trimming it all back.

Here are the roses that grow in the garden area next to the building I teach in. At first when they were not in bloom they were quite ugly. However the first time I saw them in bloom it was calming. We usually walk through this garden area on our leisurely stroll back from the cafeteria after lunch. I hope the photo bugs are ok with my close up of the rose. I felt like my Dad or sister would have done it better or spent more time getting the right picture. I just took a quick shot.

So this is the bridge around the lake on the far side of the lake behind the information building. This is where I took my school photo that you may have already seen. You see some of the lake and the area around it. The brick buildings in the back are teacher and staff dorms. The tall buildings in the very back are apartment buildings in the apartment complex I live in. 

So these are panorama shots of the school around the lake. You can see the information building in this picture in the forefront of this picture on the very left. Across the lake is the cafeteria and the building I work in. The students dorms are also in the very back of this photo on the far side of the lake. 

This is the pagoda on the side of the lake. They started building this at the beginning of the year. It was done sometime in October. We came back from our one week holiday and it was suddenly done. It didn't seem like it was going to get done that quickly. I think it is a very pretty addition though. 

Now here is a panoramic view of the lake from inside the pagoda. You can see the information building with the halo on top. You can see the dorm buildings across the way. The brick buildings on the far right of the second photo are the staff dorms.

So that is more views and sites from around Tianyi campus. I hope you all enjoyed seeing where I work. I am told the campus is even more beautiful in Spring. So I will have to post more photos when spring comes.